Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa Bebe

They say the best things in life are free: love, sunsets, open bar, kisses, pirated music, blogger, cinnamon, talent, the bible,, ect. So what is one to put on their Xmas list? I could only think of a few things I want this Xmas.

1. A flight to D.F., Mexico to see a homegirl close to my corazon
2. B.E.T.
3. muShrooms 
4. For Salvation Army to offer gift cards so I could wish for one.
5. Sewing lessons
6. For more people to "follow" my blog so I look like I have more virtual friends. 
7. A haute bebe daddy

Im glad that my parents didn't fill my head with Santa Claus b.s. for too long. I think I was 6 when my mom told me, "Daddy and I went to college and work hard. That's how we buy you presents." Yeah! Viva La Raza! 

This year I'm pretty much making everyone presents. Im also growing my own tinsel since I haven't had my gray touched up since September.  Here is my latest creation: peppermint earrings and a peppermint bow. 

Made with real candy. Very sticky. Didn't glaze them or anything, who has time for that?

Sweater: Brass Plum, thrifted- 2 dollas
Leg Warmers- Capezio store, not Capezio brand 15 dollas

I forgot to mention one thing, a ring. Caitlin bought me this fetch Gaga ring for Xmas last year but it is too big so I can only fodel it in pics.

Oh did I forget to mention the veil? Oh geez. Bought this bad boy for $3.50 at a thrift store the other day. Loved it so much I wore it to dinner with friends and tried to pretend it was my bachelorette party to pimp the waitress for a free dessert. My efforts did not avail (get it? wah wah). I couldn't lie. But some passerby told me congrats and that I looked cute. Caitlin said, "thats the ugliest veil I've ever seen."

To my friend in Denmark that is looking at this blog, Jeg elsker dig! Lykkelig Ferie. Oh my, I've just made a discovery I think Lykke Li means happiness. Another Xmas miracle! 

Happy Holidays everyone! Feliz Navidad or whatever holiday you are celebrating. 


  1. Haha! I'm loving your blog and your personality! Your writing style is fab! I can't believe you wore that veil out to dinner, but disappointed that it didn't get you any freebies! :( But I hope you find your haute bebe daddy asap! ;)

    Burn the Blonde

  2. Thanks Sarah! Look forward to hearing? seeing? more from you :)


  3. You are hilarious and look beautiful in the pics

    I love the earrings BTW. Maybe you can show me how to make a pair!

  4. In case you do get your plane tickets to Mexico city, could they be for the first week of February? I'll be in mexico then and we could hang out!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Much Love!